Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Les Maisons et les 5 sens

On Monday, we got together in our "houses" to meet with our group.  We made posters of our animals to put outside the classrooms.

"In my group we coloured our names and then put ink on our finger and stamped over our name," said Kendra.

"My group made owls with our names on them and stuck them on a big tree," said Holly.

Yesterday, we did different centres for the 5 senses.

Here is what we thought of the centres...

Quinn - My favourite centre was the smelling centre, because we got to smell something and guess what it was.

Sabrina - I liked the smelling centre.

Sadie - I liked the touch centre with the play dough. 

Hudson - I liked the listening centre.  We listened to a story.

Sloan - My favourite was the I Spy centre. We got to look through a paper with eyes on it and we got to see what it would look like with certain eye diseases.

Nathan - I liked playing 5 senses Bingo.

Cavan - I just liked all the centres!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Our A-maze-ing Grade 3 Buddies!

On Thursday, we met with our grade 3 buddies from Mme Gaunce's classroom.  The grade 3's shared the mazes they designed and built.  We started off with our buddy and then got to switch and go with some of the other grade 3's.  Each of our partners explained how they made their maze and how it worked. So cool and so much fun!

Here's what we thought of the mazes:

Josh - "It was fun! We had to try and get to the end or the other side."

Carter (4) - "There were lots of hockey mazes!"

Maiya - "We had fun with the grade 3's."

Bailey - "I think the whole class loved it."

Thanks grade 3 buddies and Mme Gaunce! Can't wait until next time!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Le jour du souvenir - Remembrance Day

This past week, we learned about Remembrance Day.  We read Faithful Elephants by Yukio Tsuchiya.

We also learned about poppies.

We had many discussions and shared our thoughts and feelings about Remembrance Day.

Here are a few of the things we learned and some of our thoughts about Remembrance Day:

Ellie - "We love soldiers because they protect us."

Nathan - "Soldiers help our country."

Kendall - "At our school we don't fight, we play nice."

Josh - "Soldiers died for us.  That's why we wear a poppy."

Holly - "Poppies grew in the fields where the soldiers died."

Carter (4) - "For the Remembrance Day ceremony, we got to wear a poppy."

We did some French writing about Remembrance Day.

Using sponges and poppy seeds, we made poppy Art.

We worked as a team to make a Remembrance Day wreath for the ceremony in the Gym. 


We also discussed and wrote about how we can be good citizens at school.

Friday, November 1, 2013

C'est l'Halloween!

On Wednesday, we met with our "maison" groups.  All of the students in the school are separated and paired off with a teacher and other students in grades 1 through 5.  This week each "maison" chose an animal team name and made up a cheer.  We all met in the gym and performed our cheers.

"Yesterday was Halloween and we had so much fun!" - Kendall

This week...

"We made Halloween books in English and French." - Kendra

"We made a picture of a skeleton with macaroni." - Carter (3)

"We made sponge art with paint.  Some people made jack-o-lanterns, bats and ghosts" - Carter (4)

"We went through the haunted house in the gym." - Josh

"We did Smarties Math and we got to eat the Smarties." - Maiya

Students also thought of what they can hear, see, smell, touch and taste on Halloween night.  We did some spider Math, finding different ways to make 5 and some paper rip Art (candy corns).

"I love Halloween!" - Carter (3)

Students also had lots of fun this week with Halloween centres on Halloween morning.  The grade ones were paired up with a grade two student.  The kids then got to do many fun activities together.  During the afternoon, we had a parade in the gym.  There were so many great costumes!  Today, we all got to wear our pyjamas.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

We have been very, very busy this week!

On Monday, Bailee (in grade 3) came to talk to our class about collecting food for the hungry.  Bailee volunteers at 'The Community of Hope Food Bank'.  We are going to try and help Bailee by collecting food to put in the brown paper bag she has given each of us.

Here is the link to watch the video Bailee made. 

Earlier this week, we did some Math fall centres. We sorted leaves that we brought from home, we did leaf patterns, some other number activities and fall Art.

"My favourite centre was the one where I picked up a number card and dabbed the number on my sheet." - Carter (4)

"I liked when we had to pick the numbers out of the bin and put them in order." - Ellie

We have also been working on patterns.

"Today, we made patterns using our body parts.  My pattern was clap, stomp, clap." - Anabeth

"A pattern has to repeat three times, like ABCABCABC." - Quinn

We are becoming very responsible in the classroom. Everybody has a job in our classroom.

"My job is to empty the recycling." - Maiya

"School is fun.  My job is pushing chairs in and stacking them." - Slayter

"I like school." - Carter (3)

On Wednesday, Mme Lise came for our second TIA session.  M. Ian joined her.

"First we had to warm up." - Sabrina

"We warmed up to dance." - Cavan

"Then we had to warm up our voice." - Hudson

"We had lots of fun with Mme Lise and M. Ian." - Kendall

Our class had lots of fun dancing and beat boxing!

Here are some pictures we want to share with you! 
We've got some great dancers in our classroom!

Angry faces!

Surprised faces!

Dance Warm-up


Voice warm-up

Singing and Beat Boxing!

Bonne fin de semaine! Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Leaf Activities and TIA

This week we used some leaves we had collected with our buddies to do some Math. We sorted leaves and all used them to do leaf rubbings.

Today we had our first TIA. 

First, we had to warm up. - Kendra

Then we danced. - Holly

We liked dancing! - Quinn


We played a game. - Ellie

For the game we had to close our eyes. -  Bailey

Then, we had to go to the blue square with our eyes closed. - Carter (4)

Mme Lise talked to us about not being able to use that sense, and some of us found it hard to find the blue square.  We also talked about some of our other senses we use in dance.

We thought dancing and playing games with Mme Lise was fun. - Maiya

Here is a video of dancing with Mme Lise!
(It may not work on iPhone or iPad, but only on a computer.)

Also, this week...

In Music we started to practice our winter concert song. - Ellie

We had gym today with M. Lacroix and played a game. - Quinn

Have a great weekend!