Friday, October 18, 2013

Leaf Activities and TIA

This week we used some leaves we had collected with our buddies to do some Math. We sorted leaves and all used them to do leaf rubbings.

Today we had our first TIA. 

First, we had to warm up. - Kendra

Then we danced. - Holly

We liked dancing! - Quinn


We played a game. - Ellie

For the game we had to close our eyes. -  Bailey

Then, we had to go to the blue square with our eyes closed. - Carter (4)

Mme Lise talked to us about not being able to use that sense, and some of us found it hard to find the blue square.  We also talked about some of our other senses we use in dance.

We thought dancing and playing games with Mme Lise was fun. - Maiya

Here is a video of dancing with Mme Lise!
(It may not work on iPhone or iPad, but only on a computer.)

Also, this week...

In Music we started to practice our winter concert song. - Ellie

We had gym today with M. Lacroix and played a game. - Quinn

Have a great weekend!


  1. This was awesome. The dancing made me feel very inspired!

  2. I can't wait until our next TIA with Mme Lise to see what we do next!
    - Mme Lines
