Classroom Info

École Robert Browning
Grade 1 Room 7 -- 2019-2020

Welcome to room 7!  I hope that your summer was enjoyable. This will serve as a guide to our classroom routines and expectations. The goal is to set your child up for success in developing good work habits, accountability and responsibility for his/her work and behaviour.

*Please make sure your child has a pair of clean indoor runners that will be kept at school (non-marking sole) for gym class.
Also, please send in a bag, with a change of clothes in case of accidents.
*Please send in 1-2 boxes of Kleenex.
This year your child will be responsible for their agenda. We write in our agenda daily. Please check and sign your child's agenda daily. The agenda is a great tool for communication between school and home. Please feel free to communicate in the agenda in the area for parent signature. Students will write their daily message in the lined area. It will take us some time to establish this is a routine in the classroom.

Home Reading
English Home Reading will begin towards the end of September/beginning of October, once each student’s reading abilities have been assessed. Home Reading will essentially be your child's main homework for the year. You can help your child prepare for this program by setting aside 10-15 minutes each day to read to your child. Each student will bring home books at their reading level. This gives them an opportunity to read to a parent or grand-parent or sibling daily. Daily reading is very important when children are first learning to read. More information on the Home Reading program will be sent home once the program begins.

As allergies are a growing concern I ask that when packing your child’s lunch and snacks you keep in mind the school allergy guidelines.  


We have snack time twice a day, in the morning before recess and in the afternoon before or after recess. I encourage students to choose a healthy snack in the morning.  

If your child is eating lunch at school, he/she will be eating in our classroom.  There are no microwaves available. Lunch is eaten in the classroom from 12:00-12:20pm. I make sure students are settled, and eating their main meal, before leaving them with their lunch supervisor. If your child is going home/out for lunch please indicate this in the agenda and who will be picking your child up.

There are 3 recesses throughout the day. One 15 minute morning recess, one 45 minute lunch recess and one 15 minute afternoon recess. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather to be outside for the long lunch hour recess.

Birthdays are informally celebrated in class with a “birthday song”. Students are welcome to bring a treat that can be easily shared (cupcakes, cookies, etc.), but it is not necessary.  Students with summer birthdays will be celebrated before we break for summer holidays. 

Departure Time
If there is any change in your arrangements for your child’s bussing or pick-up at 3:57 p.m., whether it is a permanent change or a change just for that day, please send a note to school with your child detailing the change.  If you find out that a change to your child’s departure needs to be made for that day after school has already started, please inform Mme Sawyer in the office by 3:30 pm.  I may not always have the chance to check my e-mail if there is a last minute pick-up change. Also, if your child is going home with another family or classmate, a note is required giving that adult permission to take your child home with them. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated!  Our goal is for a safe, consistent departure routine for your children.

Early dismissal
The first and third Tuesday of each month is early dismissal. Students are dismissed at 3:27 p.m. Please make note of these dates in advance and make the necessary arrangements for your child’s pick up. If your child takes the bus, please be at your child’s bus stop earlier to pick them up (information will be provided by the Division’s transportation department).

Scholastic Book Club
The Scholastic Book Club offers books in English to Grade 1 students. Book orders will be sent home approximately once a month.  If you wish to make a purchase, please return the completed forms prior to the deadline, along with a cheque (cash cannot be sent) made out to ‘Scholastic Canada Ltd.’, or you can choose the ‘Parent Pay’ option on the Scholastic website.  If you are returning multiple forms, please ensure your child’s name and books you are purchasing are clearly indicated on each form.

Let’s talk!
Communication between parents and teachers is integral to your child’s success at school.  Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns you may have via email:  I will always try to respond to e-mails within 48 hours.  You can also phone the school at 837-8381 or write a note in your child’s agenda. I will check agendas every morning for any notes or other important information.

Thank you in advance for your support and looking forward to a great year!

Mme Jennifer Lines

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