Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bag Up Manitoba

On Monday, we had an assembly to help kick off "Bag Up Manitoba 2013!" (the collection of plastic bags). 

"The plastic bag assembly was fun. We have to bring plastic bags to school." - Kendall

"We learned that recycling and plastic bags are sorted by machines." - Sloan

"Plastic bags can be turned into different things."  - Carter #3

Mr. Ethans told us that we can use plastic bags to make many things, like...

"A plastic bag jacket (like Mr. Ethans) 
and birdhouses." - Ellie

"Also a chair or a bench." - Hudson

Following our assembly, I shared the storybook 'Timmy the Tumble Bag' that I received from Mr. Ethans after having had the chance to participate in another kickoff five years ago.

We really enjoyed the story! Here are some of the ideas we took away:

"Plastic bags can turn into Frisbees for us." - Nathan

"We should recycle plastic bags." - Kendra

"Don't recycle dirty bags." - Holly

"You can always reuse a clean plastic bag." - Quinn

"Use a plastic box or a cloth bag when you shop." - Sloan

Don't forget to send in your plastic bags!

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