Friday, September 16, 2016

Our classroom beliefs

This week we have reviewed many times and gone over why we have rules and what is expected of the students in the classroom. Once we agreed on rules that were good for our classroom, everyone signed their name on a crayon to show that they are going to follow our class beliefs.

We also read 'The Crayon Box That Talked' by Shane DeRolf. In this story the crayons all have to work together to create a beautiful picture, just like us at school. We need to all work together to have fun, be safe and learn.

Please review our classroom expectations with your child this weekend. What might this look like in the classroom? Is there anything they can try and do better?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

International Dot Day!

Today, we read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds to celebrate International Dot day. Check out the videos page for the story, a song and an Art lesson.
The grade ones had fun creating their own dots and creating their own picture from a dot. The kids brought home their picture to share with you. The dot they created will be used in a school wide Art project (photo to come soon).

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Colour days!

The Kindergarten teachers would like to invite staff and students of ERB to participate in our colour theme beginning next Monday. Please read below for more info.

The grade 1's will also be reviewing and studying colours. Every day will be a different colour day. If and when possible, please help your child participate by having him/her wear clothing in the colour of the day. 

You are also encouraged to send your child a healthy snack that is the colour of the day. We know this is not possible if your child is a picky eater. Not a problem!  :)
Some examples include:
Red day: apple, strawberries
Yellow day: banana
Orange day: orange, cheese, carrots, etc.

Monday, September 19  rouge (red)
Tuesday, September 20  bleu (blue)
Wednesday, September 21  jaune (yellow)
Thursday, September 22  vert (green)
Friday, September 23  arc-en-ciel (rainbow) - Rainbow day is a special day where we celebrate that we know the names of the colours in French! Please have your child wear colourful clothes on this day.

Monday, September 26  brun (brown) **picture day** YOUR CHILD DOES NOT NEED TO DRESS IN BROWN :)

Tuesday, September 27  rose & violet (pink & purple)
Wednesday, September 28  gris (grey)
Thursday, September 29  noir & blanc (black & white)
Friday, September 30 orange (orange)

Bienvenue! Welcome!

I am looking forward to a great year and all of the fun things we will be doing!